Creating and Editing Items

Creating and Editing Items

Creating and Editing Items

The New Item screen at the Web interface

In the Web app, you can create or edit items under Inventory → Item List
To create a new product or service, click  and choose an item type. Next, enter the item's information(name, description, price, etc.). 

To edit an item, click Edit in the corresponding row of the list. If the item you wish to edit is inactive, you need to re-activate it first.

Here is a breakdown of the details that you can define for your items. The required fields are marked by an asterisk on the screen.

Item Information

  • Name: This field allows setting the name of the item. Please note that it is impossible to save an item with exactly the same full name as your already existing item has.
  • Picture: By clicking Browse you can add a picture for the item. Select the necessary picture in jpg, jpeg, png, or bmp with a maximum size of 3 MB. If your company is connected to QuickBooks Online, the picture will be uploaded to it (or vice versa).
  • Visible for: Allows selecting for which sites the item will be visible. This option is only available if it's have been enabled in the Inventory Settings. See also Visibility of Products and Services per Site
  • Inventory Asset: This option is shown only if your company is connected to QuickBooks Online. You can select among your QuickBooks accounts that are of the Current assets type and the Inventory detail type.
  • Initial quantity on hand (Main site): This field is set to 0.00 by default and cannot be negative.
  • As of date: This field allows you to set the date when you start tracking the quantity on hand of an inventory item. Note that you cannot create transactions with the item whose quantity you started tracking after the date of the transaction.
  • Category: This optional field allows you to put the item in the existing category. You can manage categories on the Item List page if you run HandiFox as a standalone system, or manage them in your connected QuickBooks Online company.
  • SKU: This field allows you to set an SKU for the item, with a maximum length of 100 characters.
  • Bin location: Here you can set the name of the item's Bin location.
     Bins are only available if the "Enable bin locations for inventory items" function is enabled in the Inventory Settings.
  • Tracking: This checkbox allows you to enable tracking of the item by Serial numbers, Lot numbers, and Expiration Dates. You can always enable tracking afterward, however, please note that it is not possible to turn tracking off once it's been set. You can learn more about this feature here: Serial, Lot Number and Expiration Date Tracking
  • Auto-pick option: This allows you to choose the criterion by which the tracked items can be auto-picked in transactions.

Sales Information

  • Income account: This option is available only if your company is connected to QuickBooks Online. If this is an inventory item, you can select among your QuickBooks accounts that are of the Income type and the Sales of Product Income detail type. All types of accounts are available for service and non-inventory items.
  • Description: Here you can add a sales description of your item, with a maximum length of 4000 characters.
  • Sales price/rate: This field allows you to set the sales price/rate for an item, it is set to 0.00 by default.
  • Is taxable: This checkbox is available for US companies when taxes are enabled. It allows defining if the item is taxable or not by default in sales transactions.
  • Inclusive of tax: This checkbox is available for non-US companies when taxes are enabled. The default value is defined in the Tax Settings.
  • Tax: This option is available for non-US companies when taxes are enabled. You can choose among taxes that are defined in the Tax Settings.

Purchase Information

  • Expense account: This option is available only if your company is connected to QuickBooks Online. If this is an inventory item, you can select among your QuickBooks accounts that are of the Cost of Goods Sold type and the Supplies and materials - COS detail type. All types of accounts are available for service and non-inventory items.
  • Description: Here you can add a purchase description of your item, with a maximum length of 4000 characters.
  • Cost: This field allows you to set the cost for an item, it is set to 0.00 by default.
  • Inclusive of purchase tax: This checkbox is available for non-US companies when taxes are enabled. The default value is defined in the Tax Settings.
  • Purchase tax: This option is available for non-US companies when taxes are enabled. You can choose among taxes that are defined in the Tax Settings.
  • Preferred vendor: This option allows you to select a preferred vendor among your active vendors.
  • Part Number: Here you can add the part number or any code assigned by the manufacturer to identify a specific product or component.
  • Alternative Vendors: If you purchase the same product/item from different vendors, you can associate alternative vendors to your products.
    • Vendor: This option allows you to select a vendor among your active vendors. If you need to add more then one alternative vendor, simply click Add Vendor to create additional vendor lines.
    • Part Number:  Here you can add the part number or any code assigned by the manufacturer to identify a specific product or component.
    • Cost: This field allows you to set the cost for the item. The default cost is the same as the preferred vendor cost and can be modified at any time.
Example of creating/editing an item with Units of Measures

Units of Measure and Barcodes 

HandiFox Online allows you to set base units and any number of related units for specific products and services. When you create a unit of measure set or preset, you can specify which unit of measure appears by default when adding a product or services to purchase and sales transactions, transfer and, manufacturing orders.

  • Base Unit. Usually the smallest unit of measure used for an product or service. 
  • Barcode. Barcode assigned to the base unit.
  • Load from Preset. Loads base units and related units from 3 different presets: Each, Weight, Volume.
 You can create your own preset or units of measure by clicking   in the Base Unit or Related Units field and then  Create New Unit of Measure.

  • Save Preset. Allows you to save the a new units you edited or added to your presets.
  • Add Unit. Allows you to add units to your presets and products and services.
  • Related Units
    • Name. Usually related to the base unit, for example, if the base unit is gram, a related unit name could be kilogram or milligram or even pounds and ounces. 
    • Ratio. Defined by the number of base units it contains. For example, if the base unit is gram, a related unit of measure could be kilogram, which contains 1000 grams (base units).
    • Barcode. Barcode assigned to a specific unit of measure for a specific product or service.
  • Default units for transactions:
    • Purchases. Here you can specify a unit of measure for purchase transactions. For example, your base unit may be kilogram, but you buy products by the ton, in this case you can assign "ton" as the unit of measure for purchases.
    • Sales.  Here you can specify a unit of measure for sales transactions. For example, your base unit may be kilogram but you sell products in grams, in this case you can assign "gram" as the unit of measure for sales.
    • Transfer. Here you can specify a unit of measure for transfers. For example, you buy a specific product in kilograms and have 2 different locations. You received or have 5000 kilograms in a location and need to transfer 3000 kilograms to a secondary location. For convenience, you transfer in batches of 1000 kilograms or 1 ton. You can set the "ton" as the default transfer unit, that way you can process a single unit (scan a single barcode) instead of 1000 separate units.
    • Manufacturing.  Here you can specify a unit of measure for items that are used to manufacture presets (ingredients), main output products and other output products when creating manufacturing orders
 See Managing Products and Services for more information on how create or edit items on the handheld device.

New Item screen at the Android interface

New Item screen at the Android interface

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