Visibility of Products and Services per Site

Visibility of Products and Services per Site

Sometimes inventory lists can be long and there may be multiple sites for a single company, but this doesn't mean that the same products found on one site are found on another, or that the same services offered on one site are offered on another. HandiFox has the ideal solution for these cases: Visibility of Items per Site.

What exactly is Visibility of Items per Site?

In a nutshell, it's the ability to display specific products or services per site. For example, let's assume we have the following product:

This product is only used on the "Bodega (Warehouse MX)"  and "Truck 15" sites. To improve our inventory control and flow, we determined that only items used on a specific site need to appear on the inventory list for that specific site. This way, users will only see the inventory that needs to be visible for the site they are working on.
Therefore we decided that this product should only be visible on Warehouse MX and Truck 15 and invisible to the rest of the sites.

To make use of the Visibility function you need to first enable it. Simply go to    Settings → Inventory and check "Select items which will be visible only for particular sites"
The visibility of a specific item per site can be determined when creating or editing an item, or importing 

 All items are visible for all sites by default.
 When creating or editing a site you can make all items visible or invisible for the new site.

Edit Site window with the option to make all items visible or invisible

The visibility of an item per site can be determined when creating or editing an item, or importing 

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