Managing Inventory Sites

Managing Inventory Sites

Site Manager Page of the Web App

Inventory sites can be created, modified and deleted in the Web app under General → Site Manager.

Example of creating a new inventory site

To create a site, click Plus , enter site name and necessary details and click Save.

To edit a site, click Edit  in the desired site’s row.

The Inventory Site Address is displayed  by default on Purchase Order report as the Shipping Address
Inventory Site Address as Shipping Address on a Purchase Order

Make all items visible/invisible
  1. The button Make all items visible ensures that all items are displayed for the site being created or edited. This function only affects the site that is being created or edited. Check Creating and Editing Items if you need to make specific items invisible for specific sites.
  2. The button Makes all items invisible ensures that no items are displayed for the site being created or edited. This function only affects items the site that is being created or edited and, the site will not be able to process new inventory operations and, sales and purchase transactions if there are no items visible for the site in question. Check Creating and Editing Items if you need to make specific items visible for specific sites. 
 The Make all items visible/invisible buttons are only available if the Select items which will be visible only for particular sites is enabled (checked). See Visibility of Products and Services per Site and Item Information (Creating and Editing Items) for more details.
 All items are visible for all sites by default

Finally, if you need to remove a site from the system, click Delete 

The Export button in the Site Manager allows you to export a list of you company sites with detailed address information in XLS and CSV formats.
Example of an exported file with Site List Information

 Main location cannot be deleted.

 You cannot delete a site if there are open sales or purchase orders associated with it (you will have to reassign orders to other sites), or if there are some items in stock (you will have to transfer them or adjust their quantities first).

 After you delete a site, a handheld device associated with it won't be able to synchronize anymore and all unsynchronized data will be lost. You will have to reassign the device to another site.

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