Mobile Application Settings

Mobile Application Settings

Settings of the mobile application allow you to customize some features of your device's app. Here is an overview of the available options:  
Please, note that some of the settings may not be available due to User Permissions. To learn more about that, see User Management

 Android App

Android App Settings Screen

To open the Android app's settings, go to Main → Admin → Settings.

  • Select printer allows selecting/adding new printers. See Mobile Printing for more information.
  • Select scanner allows selecting/adding new scanners. See Scanning for more information.
  • Select application time out allows choosing the period of time after which you will be logged out of the app (up to 24 hours).
    If the application is automatically closed by the handheld device, open the battery settings and make sure HandiFox is not "optimized" and it is allowed to run in the background
  • Database backup allows backing up the data.
  • Layout settings allows choosing whether to show/hide item descriptions in lines and the Email, Fax and Save buttons on the Print Preview screen.
  • Auto sync schedule allows choosing the time period for automatic synchronization or to turn it off. For more information, see Synchronization.
  • Change site for the device allows reassigning the app to another site.
  • Enable audio warning allows turning on/off the audio signals for warnings (for example when the scanned item is not found). The app uses default system sounds of your device.
  • If Sort items by Bin Location on Pick & Pack Order screens is enabled, item lines will be sorted by bin in ascending alphabetical order on Pick and Pack Order screens
  • Select image storage size sets the maximum size of disk storage to be used by product images stored in HandiFox Online's dedicated internal storage directory.
  • Log allows turning on/off logging.
  • Contact us allows sending the log files to technical support.

 iOS App

iOS App Settings Screen

To open the iOS app's settings, tap the More tab at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • Select main screen allows choosing the screen which opens by default after logging in.
  • Paper size allows selecting either the Letter or 2 inch paper format for printing.
  • Select application time out allows choosing the period of time after which you will be logged out of the app (up to 24 hours).
  • Change site allows reassigning the app to another site.
  • Sync period allows downloading older data from the server (up to 12 months)
  • Security allows setting a passcode or Face ID for entering the app.
  • Audio warning allows turning on/off the audio signals for warnings (for example when the scanned item is not found). The app uses the default system sounds of your device.
  • Swipe options allows turning on/off the ability to remove items by swiping.
  • Scanners allows selecting among scanners that are connected to your device.
  • Contact us allows sending the log files to support.
  • About allows viewing Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and the current version of the app.

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