To pick an existing open sales order, go to Sales in the mobile app and tap Open Orders(see note). Find and highlight the desired order on the list (either by search or by scanning its number) and tap Pick.
When you highlight an item on the pick list, you will see the quantity ordered (“Ord”), as well as how much is remaining to be picked (“Rem”). Scan the items as they are being picked. You can also enter or correct picked quantities from the keyboard.
When you are finished, tap Save. At this point, you will be offered to print a Pick List document. You can also print it later if you highlight a picked order in Open Orders, tap and select Print.
To pack an order that has already been picked, highlight the order again in Open Orders and tap Pack. Now you can scan in the items being packed. An alternative is to mark everything as packed by checking the Pack All checkbox.
After Saving, you will be offered to print a Packing Slip document. You can also print it later if you highlight an order that has already been packed in Open Orders, tap and select Print. After packing a sales order, an invoice will be automatically generated
based on the packed items, subtracting them from your inventory and
adding their price to the customer's open balance.
To pick an existing open invoice, go to Sales in the mobile app and tap Open Invoices. Find and highlight the desired invoice on the list (either by search or by scanning its number) and tap Pick.
When you highlight an item on the pick list, you will see the quantity ordered (“Inv”). Scan the items as they are being picked. You can also enter or correct picked quantities from the keyboard.
When you are finished, tap Save. At this point you will be offered to print a Pick List document. You can also print it later if you highlight a picked invoice in Open Invoices, tap and select Print.
After Saving, you will be offered to print a Packing Slip document. You can also print it later if you highlight an invoice that has already been packed in Open Invoices, tap and select Print.