HandiFox gives you the ability to write off tracked products with expiration dates.
write products off, In the
Web app, go to
Inventory → Serial/Lot Numbers and click
Expiring Products.
Here you can filter your list of tracked products with expiration dates by site, expiration date, product name or description.
Let's look at the following example. We want to write off products that are located in our Warehouse #1 and whose expiration date is on or before October 31, 2024.
To do that we select Warehouse #1 in the Inventory Site field.
We then select October 31, 2024 in the Expiring before field.
Our list of products with expirations has been updated based on the parameters we specified previously.
When can then check all the products on the list that have to be written off.
Once the desired products are checked, we click Write Off.
A window with details will pop up and, If necessary we can enter additional information in the Memo field or redact it.
Once we're done, we click OK. We should see a new pop-up indicating us that the inventory adjustment was successfully saved and its inventory adjustment number.
You can also
export a list of products with expiration dates as an Excel file or CSV spreadsheet by clicking