Overview (SLED)

Overview (SLED)

This article describes the capabilities Serial/Lot Number and Expiration date tracking for products in HandiFox. 

Capabilities and Prerequisites

Serial/Lot Numbers page of the Web app


HandiFox allows to record tracking information for stock entering or leaving your inventory (e.g. when it is sold). As stated, serial numbers, lot numbers and expiration dates can be tracked for products, as well as their combinations: Serial numbers & Expiration dates, and Lot numbers & Expiration dates. Tracking is manually enabled for specific products, without complicating the work with other items for which it is not required.

Once tracking is enabled for a product, the users can enter tracking information for the existing stock as well as for any new stock arriving or leaving (e.g. when receiving inventory or fulfilling orders).

 Also, at any moment the list of serial/lot numbers and/or expiration dates currently on hand can be viewed both in the Web app and Mobile app.

Barcode labels can be printed containing both the product code and all tracking information applicable to this product.

When counting, receiving or selling inventory, both manual input and barcode scanning can be used to enter tracking information.


Tracking can be enabled for items of Inventory type (a.k.a. Inventory Part), but not for Non-Inventory or Service items, since quantity on hand is not tracked for them.

In order for tracking to be enabled for an item, its quantity on hand must not be negative on any of your inventory sites


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