Units of Measure

Units of Measure

Units of measure are standard quantities by which products are counted or measured. For example,  drinks may use ounces or liters as a unit of measure. Foods and vegetables, on the other hand, may use pounds, ounces, grams or kilograms. With units of measure, you can specify different measurements for products and services you purchase and sell.
With HandiFox Online you have the ability to assign single and multiple units of measure to your products and services.

Single Unit of Measure

Example of an item with a single unit of measure

A single unit of measure is when you only assign one unit of measure (base unit) to products and services. This means that you will only be able to purchase, sell and process your products and services using the same units of measure. 

 Units of measure are assigned to each item independently, meaning you can have some products or services with a singles unit of measure, some products and services with multiple units of measure and, some products with no units of measure whatsoever.

Multiple Units of Measure

Example of the same item with multiple units of measure in the Barcodes window

Presets of multiple units of measure contain at least a Base Unit of Measure and one Related Unit of Measue
Base Unit. A base unit is the first unit defined in a preset. The base unit is usually the smallest or most widely used unit of measure.
Related Unit. A related unit is defined by the number of base units it contains. For example, if the base unit is a pound, a related unit might be metric ton, which contains 2204.62 pounds. Another related unit might be  kilogram or ounce,
In HandiFox Online, related units make it possible to show quantities of the same product or service in different measurements on different transactions and inventory movements. For example, you might purchase a product called "Red Peppers" from a foreign supplier by ton (metric), but sell it in pounds. By creating a unit of measure set with a base unit of pounds and related units of ton (2204.62 pounds) you can create purchase orders and item receipts in metric tons, and sales orders, invoices and sales receipts in pounds.

 Units of measure are assigned to each item independently, meaning you can have some products or services with a singles unit of measure, some products and services with multiple units of measure and, some products with no units of measure whatsoever.

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