User Management

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Managing Users

User management is performed in the HandiFox Online Web App. To start managing users:

  1. Click Hfo-gears.PNG at the top right corner of the page
  2. Click Hfo-manage users.png“Manage Users” in the pop-up menu.

The Manage Users page of the web app

The Manage Users page lists all users that can work with the company data.

Click Hfo-pencil.PNG to change user’s role or permissions.

Click Hfo-cross.PNG to delete a user from the system.

Adding a User

Only the Owner and Managers can invite new users. To invite a user, click Hfo-plus.PNG at the top right corner on the Manage Users page.

When adding a user, you are required to enter user’s email address, choose their role and set their permissions (unless the role forces full access). The system will then send an invitation to the entered email with instructions for the user to conclude registration.

User roles

HandiFox Online has the following user roles:

  • Owner
  • Manager
  • User

The Owner role is automatically assigned to the user who initially registers with HandiFox Online. Only one person can be the Owner, and only the Owner has full and unconditional access to all features and settings, including connecting/disconnecting a QuickBooks Online company and managing the HandiFox Online Subscription.

Manager is a type of user who also has access to all functions (which cannot be restricted), except for the ability to manage Subscription and QuickBooks connection.

Managers and the Owner can add and delete users from the system. Note that Managers can add new Managers to the system or elevate common Users to the Manager role. The access for common Users is limited to the work functions of HandiFox, and can be restricted further by tweaking their permissions in the user management section of the web app.

The table below compares access privileges for all roles:

Permission User Manager Owner
Purchase HandiFox subscription or alter its terms +
Work functions of the web and mobile apps (inventory, sales, etc.) Per set permissions + +
Access to Settings page + +
Invite and delete users, change user roles + +
Disconnect from QuickBooks Online company +