Products and Services

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Revision as of 22:50, 23 August 2021 by Dzhamalova.r (talk | contribs) (In the Mobile App)
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Before you can include any product in your transactions and other records, it has to exist as an item inside HandiFox. Items can be created inside HandiFox, or they can be loaded from a connected QuickBooks company or Shopify account.

Supported Item Types

HandiFox currently supports and lets you work with the following item types:

  • Inventory
  • Non-inventory
  • Service
Warning-sign.png If you have a QuickBooks company connected, and your QuickBooks subscription does not allow Inventory Part type items, you will not be able to create them in HandiFox either.

Managing Products and Services

Both the web interface of HandiFox and the mobile app provide a way to review the items and do various operations with them.

In the Web App

The Item List page in HandiFox Online web app

In the web app, you can manage items under Inventory → Item List.

You can search by item details (name, description, etc.) using the search field above the list.

To create a new product or service, click Hfo-plus-button.png and choose an item type. Next, enter the item information (name, description, price, etc.) and click Save.

To edit an item, click Edit in the corresponding row of the list. If the item you wish to edit is inactive, you will have to re-activate it first.

You can adjust the quantity on hand for a specific item by clicking Hfo-dropdown.png and selecting "Adjust QOH". Here you can enter the new quantities for this item on every inventory site in the New Qty column. This operation will create a new inventory adjustment transaction with just one item on it. Optionally, you can also specify a number and a memo for this adjustment transaction. When you are finished, click Save.

You can run a transactions report for a specific item to see all transactions that include it. To go to this report, click Hfo-dropdown.png in the Action column and select "Transactions".

To make an item inactive, click Hfo-dropdown.png in the Action column, choose "Make inactive", then click OK to confirm.

To make inactive items show on the list, click Hfo-gear-button.png and turn on the Include Inactive checkbox that appears.

Exporting and Importing Items

To export your item list to a spreadsheet, click Export, choose a format (XLS or CSV) and click Export again. You will receive the resulting document as a file download, which will be handled depending on your browser's behavior. Typically you can choose whether to open the file or save it. Only the active items will be exported.

To import new items into the system, click Import and choose a file to import from (it can be an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file). Click Next. On the next screen you can set what fields will be populated from what columns in the spreadsheet. HandiFox will try to determine this automatically based on column names, but you should review the list yourself and make sure everything is correct. Click Next and wait for HandiFox to process the file. On the next screen you will see the full list of all records to be imported. If any of them has errors, hover your mouse over the "Error" label to see what the problem is. Finally, click Import to add all eligible product records into HandiFox.

In the Mobile App

The Items List screen of the Android app
The Items List screen of the iOS app

In the Android app, you can review all your products and services in the Inventory → Item List section. This list functions similarly to the Item List in the web app. Here you can review existing items and their quantities on hand (when applicable) and view item attributes. You can also add new items by tapping Plus iOS HFO.jpeg in the top-right corner of the screen, then selecting the item type (Inventory, Service, or Non-Inventory), and then filling out the necessary info throughout the tabs in the New Item screen. You can also edit an existing item by selecting it and tapping Edit.

In the iOS app, you can review all your products and services in the Inventory → Item List tab. This list functions similarly to the Item List in the web app, except that you can't edit item properties or create new items. Here you can review existing items and their quantities on hand (when applicable) and view item attributes.