Managing Vendors The Vendors page of the Web appYou can manage your vendors in the Web app, under Purchases → Vendors. This page requires permission: "Web Permissions → Purchases → Vendors" in order to access. This page lists all existing active ...
Reorder Points and Desired QOH Levels
Reordering Desired QOH & Reorder Points page HandiFox lets you define reorder points and desired QOH levels for every item on every site. A Reorder Point is a specific level at which your products need to be replenished. In other words, it tells you ...
Creating, Receiving and Editing Purchase Orders
In the Web App Creating a new purchase order in the Web app In the Web app you can enter and receive purchase orders in Purchases → Purchase Transactions. To create a purchase order, click Plus and choose "Purchase Order". Here you can use the Scan ...
Purchase Transactions
Purchase Transactions in the Web App The Purchase Transactions page of the Web app Here you can: enter new purchase orders and item receipts; receive items based on existing purchase orders; filter transactions by vendor, type, status and date; ...
Automatic Replenishment
Automatic Replenishment Automatic Replenishment Window Overview HandiFox provides an Automatic Replenishment feature that allows you to automatically create purchase orders to restock inventory based on various criteria. This guide will explain how ...