Viewing Tracking Information for Products on Hand

Viewing Tracking Information for Products on Hand

For any product that is tracked by serial/lot number and/or expiration date, this tracking information can be viewed both in the Web app and Mobile app.

  In the Web app

An example listing of tracking info for a product tracked by serial numbers

By default, the information is listed for all inventory sites combined, but you can choose a specific site in the Site dropdown.

You can also search for specific numbers or dates using the search field above the list. It is also possible to sort the list of existing numbers by clicking on the respective column header. 

 Printing labels for tracking numbers

  1. You can mark some rows and click to print labels with the product code as well as tracking details displayed as scannable barcodes. First, fill the Copy number field, which stands for the number of copies of the label for a specific item. When you click on the Print button, you will see a pop-up window that will allow you to determine what will be shown on the label. Next, choose the label size in the drop-down list. The available label sizes are 2-3/7” X 2-1/2” and 2-3/7" X 1-1/7". When you are ready, hit Print. The label parameters that you choose will be remembered for all items that have the same tracking method, saving time in the future.

 If you still have some Unassigned Quantity for this item, you can add more tracking information for the pieces that are missing it by clicking Edit Numbers

 In the Mobile app

To view tracking information for a product in the mobile app, go to Inventory → Item List. Find and tap the item that interests you, then tap Serial/Lot

An example listing of tracking info for a product tracked
by serial numbers in the Android app

An example listing of tracking info for a product tracked
by serial numbers in the iOS app
You can use the Look for Serial/Lot field to search for specific numbers, or scan a barcode containing such a number to quickly locate it in the list. 
When done, tap Close (Android) or Back (iOS) to leave this screen. 

 This screen lists tracking information only for the current inventory site. This is a part of the general limitation that every mobile device can only see or work with the inventory present at the site it is assigned to.

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