Transaction Numbering

Transaction Numbering

This article covers how HandiFox Online forms numbers for transactions (e.g. Invoices or Purchase Orders) and what settings affect them.

Many of you have asked why our numbers look like this and if there is a way to change them, so we decided this topic warrants a separate article.

It is worth noting that the web app and the mobile app have different patterns for transactions numbers, and different settings are responsible for how the numbers look. 

 In the Web App

For most transaction types, the numbers generated in the web app can have three distinct parts:

  1. The prefix, which is constant for all transactions of the given type. By default it is an abbreviation of the transaction name followed by a dash (e.g. "SO-" for Sales Orders).
  2. The number proper, which by default starts at 0 and increases with every new transaction of this type. This is the only mandatory part.
  3. The suffix, which is also constant for each transaction type. It is empty by default.

You can adjust the numbering patterns for most transaction types in the Settings.

  1. For purchase and inventory-related transactions, this can be done in → Settings → Inventory
  1. For sales-related transactions, the numbering can be adjusted in → Settings → Sales

You can also change what the next number will be for each transaction type, for instance, if you want your numbers to start from 10000, so they have equal length. 

 Purchase and sales transaction numbers are automatically generated by the system when saving a transaction to ensure the transaction number has not been already taken.

 For the Android App

The Numbering Settings for sales-related transactions in the Web app
Transaction numbering in the Android app is less flexible. The numbers generated by the Android app also have three parts, but all of them are mandatory:
  1. The prefix, which is the same for all transactions created on a given mobile device. By default, it looks like "M01-", where the numeric part increases for every new device added to the system.
  2. The number proper, which increases with every new transaction of a given type. These incrementing numbers are stored individually for each transaction type and each device prefix.
  3. The fixed "-0" suffix which cannot be changed or removed. It is required to distinguish transactions created in the mobile app from all others and make sure their numbers will not overlap with numbers generated elsewhere (e.g. in QuickBooks).

The only part of the number that can be adjusted by user is the transaction prefix.

You can set a different prefix for each of your mobile devices in General → Device Manager.

 When you change the transaction prefix for a device, all rolling numbers for all transaction types will start from 0 again on this device, since they are unique for every prefix.

 For the iOS App

The numbering system for transactions created in the iOS app shares the same numbering pattern that is used for transactions created in the Web app and, it consists of three distinct parts:
  1. The prefix, which is constant for all transactions of the given type. By default it is an abbreviation of the transaction name followed by a dash (e.g. "SO-" for Sales Orders).
  2. The number proper, which by default starts at 0 and increases with every new transaction of this type. This is the only mandatory part.
  3. The suffix, which is also constant for each transaction type. It is empty by default.

You can adjust the numbering patterns for most transaction types in the Settings.

  1. For purchase and inventory-related transactions, this can be done in  → Settings → Inventory
  1. For sales-related transactions, the numbering can be adjusted in → Settings → Sales
 In the iOS app, purchase and sales transaction numbers are automatically generated by the system when saving a transaction to ensure the transaction number has not been already taken.


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