HandiFox Online allows shaping a more flexible pricing policy in the app
and running promos without fear of giving the wrong price to the wrong
customer. Price Levels allow you to set prices for items that can be
applied to all items and all customers, or only to a select few, and you
can also create price levels that are time-limited or that are valid
indefinitely. If you have customers who prefer foreign currency, you
have the flexibility to set specific prices for them that can override
the exchange rate.
Price Level List
Price Level List in the Web app
To open the list of price levels, go to Sales → Price Levels. Here you will see the list of existing price levels that can be sorted by Price Level Name, Adjustment, Start Date, and End Date. To sort the list, click on the respective column's name.
The Action column allows you to Edit the price level, or make it active\inactive.
You can filter the list of price levels by All fields, Name, Adjustment, Start Date, and End Date and by typing the necessary text in the search field.