Overview (Inventory Sites)

Overview (Inventory Sites)

Creating a new inventory site in the Web App

HandiFox allows tracking inventory levels across multiple inventory sites. Each site represents a physical location where quantities on hand need to be tracked independently.

When you start working with HandiFox, there is only one site, Main, which by default contains the entirety of your stock. You can create additional inventory sites in HandiFox and add inventory to them by transfers or QoH adjustments.

If you have a QuickBooks company connected, all transactions coming from it are considered to belong to the Main site and modify its inventory levels by default. However, if you use departments/locations inside QuickBooks, you can associate a HandiFox site with an existing department/location. To do so, go to General → Site Manager → create\edit an inventory site → select an associated QuickBooks location in the dropdown menu → Save. After this, transactions from QuickBooks that belong to a certain department will be automatically assigned to the corresponding HandiFox site. Note that each HandiFox site can be associated with only one department, and this association cannot be changed.

When HandiFox mobile app is installed on a new device and synchronized, the device must be assigned to a specific site. Each device can only see or work with inventory present at the site it's assigned to.

Site assignment can be changed in the web app under General → Device Manager (requires permission for the user: Web Permissions → General → Device Manager) or in the mobile app itself (requires permission for the user: Handheld Permissions → Admin → Switch Sites). 

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