

Currencies Page in the Web App

 These settings are only available for standalone companies. Currencies can be set up in QuickBooks Online if your company is integrated with it.

You can allow the use of multiple currencies in your company by clicking the Currencies  button on the Settings page. This is irreversible, so you will be asked for confirmation. 

Enable Multi-currency Warning

If you have already enabled multiple currencies in your company, clicking Currencies on the Settings page lets you add new currencies and set custom exchange rates

To add a currency, click , select a currency from the list and click Save.

To set a custom exchange rate for a currency, click "Edit exchange rate" in the corresponding row. Here you can also set whether this rate value will expire, and when. 

 The exchange rate is set and updated automatically if it is not manually set by the user. To re-enable the Automatic Exchange Rate, click , then .

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