By default, HandiFox demands that all new inventory counts done on
mobile devices or in the web app are reviewed and accepted by a manager
before they take effect.
This behavior can be disabled under → Settings → Inventory → Manager Approval is required. In this case, all counting sessions will take effect immediately after they are applied.
Counting sessions pending approval will be listed in the Web app, under Inventory → Counting Sessions (and also in the Dashboard). By default, counting sessions for all inventory sites are displayed, but they can be filtered by site.
To start reviewing counting results, mark one or more counting sessions using the checkboxes in the leftmost column, then click View. You will see the items counted in all sessions you marked with their old and new counts.
If the same item was counted more than once (on different devices),
all the counts will be added up in this list (provided that you are
reviewing all the counting sessions together).
Use the checkboxes to select all item rows for which you want the counting to take effect, then click Apply. All other rows will be discarded!
You can also discard a counting session completely by selecting its checkbox on the Counting Sessions page and clicking Void.