Initial Entry of Tracking Information

Initial Entry of Tracking Information

After enabling tracking for a product, you will see this notice when highlighting it in Inventory → Serial/Lot Numbers:

This means the item is being tracked, but there isn't any tracking information in the system yet — no serial/lot numbers or expiration dates are known for any of the stock currently on hand.

The Unassigned Qty field will show how many pieces are missing this tracking information.

It is a good idea to enter tracking information next after enabling tracking for an item. To do so, click Assign Numbers.

You will be taken to the Serial/Lot/Expiration Dates for Item page which will look differently depending on how the item is tracked. We will look at two examples:a) tracking by serial numbers and b) tracking by lot numbers and expiration dates.

Example 1

Items tracked by Serial Number

Serial/Lot/Expiration Dates for Item page of the web app (tracking by serial number)

This is the simplest possible case, since there is only one field to fill, and the quantity for each row will always be 1.

First, choose the inventory site for which you will be entering serial numbers in the Site dropdown (if you don't have any extra sites, just leave it set to Main).

Next, type a new serial number into the field in the Serial Number column and click . The number you entered will be added to the list, and a new row will appear below, which you can use to add another serial number.

Ideally, your goal is to provide a serial number for every piece listed as Unassigned Qty, but this is not necessary to start using the tracking features in your workflow.

You can also use a barcode scanner for serial number entry. Set the cursor in the Scan Serial/Lot field and scan barcodes containing your serial numbers, then hit the Enter key on your keyboard.They will be added to the list. If you change your mind, you can delete unnecessary numbers by clicking 

In the end, if you've entered as many new serial numbers as the current quantity on hand for this item and site,the Unassigned Qty field will disappear, meaning that every piece in your inventoryis now accounted for in terms of serial number tracking.

When done, click Save to record entered tracking data and leave the page.

 It is impossible to edit the quantity of entered serial/lot numbers and expiration dates once they have been saved. It can be done only by Adjusting Quantity.

Example 2

Items tracked by Lot Number and Expiration Date

SLED for Item page of the web app (tracking by lot number and expiration date)

This case is more complex since there are three fields to fill in: the lot number, the expiration date, and the quantity.

First, choose the inventory site that has the stock you want to add tracking information for (or leave it set to Main if you don't have any extra sites).

Next, enter a lot number in the respective column and click . The number you entered will be "locked in", and the rest of the row will become available for editing. Also, a field for another lot number will appear below.

Enter the expiration date, then enter the quantity of items that have this lot # and expiration date. If you wish to track the same lot number with several expiration dates, simply click   near the entered expiration date to add another line.

Fill in more rows by repeating the same steps, as necessary. If you change your mind, you can delete unnecessary numbers by clicking . You can also use a barcode scanner for lot number entry. Set the cursor in the Scan Serial/Lot field and scan barcodes containing your lot numbers, then hit the Enter key on your keyboard. If the lot number hasn't been registered yet - it will be added to the list. If it is already on the list - the quantity will increase by 1. In the end, if the quantities in all rows add up to the current quantity on hand for this item and site, the Unassigned Qty field will disappear, meaning that every piece in your inventory is now accounted for in terms of lot # and expiration date tracking.

When done, click Save to record entered tracking data and leave the page. 

 It is impossible to edit the quantity of entered serial/lot numbers and expiration dates once they have been saved. It can be done only by Adjusting Quantity.

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