Enabling Tracking for Products

Enabling Tracking for Products

Tracking must be enabled for each product individually. There are 2 ways to do so: you can enable tracking while creating or editing items from the Item List, or through the Serial/Lot numbers page. Either way, the process is basically the same, except that Create/Edit Item requires you to first check the Tracking box. Let's look at the example with enabling tracking through the Serial/Lot numbers page. Go to Inventory → Serial/Lot Numbers. In the left part of this page you will be shown a list of all Inventory type items for which tracking could be enabled.

If you highlight an item that is not being tracked yet, you will see the following settings in the right pane:

Here you can choose how the item will be tracked and enable tracking for it. A product can be tracked by:

  • Serial number,
  • Serial number and expiration date,
  • Lot number,
  • Lot number and expiration date,
  • Expiration date alone.

Also, you can choose how the Auto-Pick function will work for this product:

  • "First In - First Out" — the system will try to auto-pick items in the order they entered your inventory.
  • "First Expired - First Out" — HandiFox will try to auto-pick items that expire the earliest.
  • "None" — items will be auto-picked at the system's discretion (typically in the alphabetical order of their serial/lot numbers).

Once you've made these two choices, click Enable Tracking to start tracking this item as configured. 

Now you can repeat this procedure for your other products that require tracking. 

 Once tracking is enabled for a product, you cannot turn it back off, nor can you change how it is tracked. If you need to stop tracking this product in the future or track it differently, we suggest creating a new inventory item to represent this product and making the old one inactive.

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