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All the settings for your HandiFox Online account can be accessed via Hfo-gears.PNG → Settings. The range of available settings depends on whether your company works as a standalone or integrates with QuickBooks Online.

Company Information

In this section, you can enter the company name and address, and define other company-wide attributes.

Please note that if your HandiFox company is connected to QuickBooks Online, the company information cannot be edited in HandiFox and should be defined in QuickBooks instead. You can edit the Regional Settings and Printed Forms only.

Settings Page of the Web App

Regional Settings

This section lets you set how date and numbers are displayed in HandiFox, and also your time zone.

Printed forms

This section lets you add a logo to purchase orders, item receipts, sales orders, invoices, credit memos, and payments.

Info-sign.png Use a square image (equal number of pixels on each side) for your logo for better results.
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These settings are only available for standalone companies. Currencies can be set up in QuickBooks Online if your company is integrated with it.

You can allow the use of multiple currencies in your company by clicking the Currency button on this tab. This is irreversible, so you will be asked for confirmation.

If you have already enabled multiple currencies in your company, clicking Currency lets you add new currencies and set custom exchange rates.

Currencies Page in the Web App

To add a currency, click Hfo-plus-button.png, select a currency from the list and click Save.

To set a custom exchange rate for a currency, click "Edit exchange rate" in the corresponding row. Here you can also set whether this rate value will expire, and when.

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Payment Methods

These settings are only available for standalone companies. Payment Methods can be set up in QuickBooks Online if your company is integrated with it.

You can browse, add and change your payment methods by clicking Payment Methods.

Payment Methods Page in the Web App

To add a payment method here, click Hfo-plus-button.png.

To change an existing payment method, click Edit in the corresponding row of the list.

You cannot delete payment methods you no longer need, but you can make them inactive so they aren't selectable anywhere. For that, click Hfo-dropdown.png in the Action column, then click Make Inactive and click OK to confirm.

To include inactive payment methods on the list, click Hfo-gear-button.png and mark the Include Inactive checkbox.

You can search payment methods by their name using the search field on top.

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These settings are only available for standalone companies. Terms can be set up in QuickBooks Online if your company is integrated with it.

To manage the list of business-to-business sales terms your company uses, click Terms.

Terms Page in the Web App

To add a term here, click Hfo-plus-button.png.

To change an existing term, click Edit in the corresponding row of the list.

You cannot delete terms you no longer use, but you can make them inactive so they aren't selectable anywhere. For that, click Hfo-dropdown.png in the Action column, then click Make Inactive and click OK to confirm.

To include inactive terms on the list, click Hfo-gear-button.png and mark the Include Inactive checkbox.

You can search sales terms by their name using the search field on top.

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Inventory Section of the Web App Settings

Inventory Adjustment

Here you can set whether inventory counts done on mobile devices will take effect immediately or require an approval first. If approval is required, submitted counting sessions can be reviewed on the Counting Sessions page.

Bin Locations

This option lets you enable or disable bin locations for inventory items.

Info-sign.png Bin locations are displayed on the Item List page.


In some workflows product codes and SKUs can be used interchangeably. In this case it may be useful to equate all product barcodes to SKUs. The "Set barcodes equal to SKU" checkbox lets you do exactly that.

Transaction Numbering

Here you can adjust the numbering patterns for your purchase transactions and inventory transfers between sites. For details, see Transaction Numbering.

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Sales Section of the Web App Settings

Customer's Signature on Invoices

The Take Customer's Signature checkbox lets you control whether the mobile app will offer to capture the customer's signature upon invoice creation.

You can also make invoice signing mandatory and unskippable by checking "Customer's Signature is Mandatory".

Additional Sales Field

These settings are only available for standalone companies. Additional Sales Fields are controlled by your QuickBooks if your company is integrated with it.

This allows you to add or remove additional fields on sales transactions.

Example of Creating a Sales Order with Discount and Shipping fields in the Web App

Transaction Numbering

Here you can adjust the numbering patterns for your sales transactions. For details, see Transaction Numbering.

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Shipment Section of the Web App Settings

Here you can tweak how picking and packing works in HandiFox:

Enable Pack All feature — controls whether packing (the second verification after picking) can be skipped by using the Pack All checkbox in the mobile app.

When packing an order multiple times, keep updating the existing invoice — if this is enabled, new invoices will not be created when you partially pick and pack a sales order more than once.

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Email Section of the Web App Settings

With HandiFox Online you can send any digital copy of a sale or inventory transaction. The E-mail Settings allows you to edit email drafts by customizing any of the following fields:

  • Cc - one or more email addresses separated from one another by a comma can be entered.
  • Bcc - one or more email addresses separated from one another by a comma can be entered.
  • Reply To - one or more email addresses separated from one another by a comma can be entered. By default, the company's/user's email is set
  • Subject - by default set to "Type of transaction" [Number] from [Company name]
  • Use greeting:
    • First dropdown menu options: <Blank>, To, Dear, Hello
    • Second dropdown menu options: [First Name] [Last Name], [Title][Last Name], [First Name], [Receiving Company Name]
  • Message - The default message is:
    • "Transaction type" [Number] is attached.
Info-sign.png The data between brakes ([ ]) is automatically retrieved from the transaction to be sent, your Company Information and your vendor or customer details.
Info-sign.png Each transaction email draft can be customized separately

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If your company works as a standalone, you can set up taxes in this section. For QuickBooks integrated companies, taxes can be set up in the QuickBooks settings. You can learn more here: Taxes.